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Showing posts from 2017

New Performance Data for NFS Carbon Car mod Named Lamborghini Sesto Elemento

I was just messing up on the game few days ago and I decided to think of making this. Well most of the mods before can't have a new performance data so I will be working on some Car mods on Carbon. Performance Improvements: Slower Steering Response to make the car Handy on the startup of the car More Torque to make the car accelerate faster 7 Gear Transmission New Car Audio(Much more Realistic) Car is created by Eclipse72rus/Corvettez06 base on the model by the Lamborghini ArtiMarca S.p.A. Performance Data is Created by GAMER-X-1ST

NFS-LANGED Help file Fixed

I fixed the Help file for NFS-LANGED


I know that I cancelled this project but it is going to be a junk in my Hard drive so I decided to upload it so every one could read it And by the way I'm fixing the NFS-LANGED help file since there is a lot of things that need to be fix

GAMER-X-1ST Repack's Milestones

I hit the Milestone that I created a few months ago. And one of those Milestones are hit 5,400 Page views on this blog and I already hit 5,450 pageviews so I'm giving you 2 mods for 2 different game 1 for the Most Wanted and 1 for the Underground 2 This are both name world Cursor for this games, modifying the game's cursor. Check the Download list for link

Need For Speed Language Editor Help File Released

nfsu360 post a Tutorial at his blog at how to use NFS-VLTED so I am Cancelling the Help file for that.Instead I'm releasing a Help File for NFS-LangEd Download HERE!

Incoming Help File

Since nfsu360 already released NFS-VLTED 4.0  on his Blog I'm planning to create a help file about the new version since there are some Major updates Here is some of the updates ability to modify the existing database structure (add, rename, delete and copy node; fields editor), new text-based file format, the ModScript, the Script Editor - test changes without the need to import script, improved support for NFS: Most Wanted Patch Script (MWPS), import of NFS: Carbon Car settings, automatic logging of changes in the ModScript format, overall improvement of performance and stability. The Released date of the Help File is UnKnown so stay tuned about it,by the way the I planning to create a help file too for His NFS Modding Toolkit by the time he released the tool